How to push Docker Images to Amazon ECR with Bitbucket Pipeline

Thomas Strohmeier
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2017


I had the need to automatically build and push a docker image to the Amazon AWS ECR out of an Bitbucket Pipeline.

In AWS IAM you can create a user and give him read an write permissions to your ECR Registry. The IAM provides you a access key and a secret key.

First I tried to use this two keys as user and password in the guide provided by Atlassian:

- docker login -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASSWORD


This didn’t worked out. Also AWSLabs propose a solution with DockerHub:

In a Atlassian Forum a user suggested to use the awscli to get a token and use the received one to login with docker login. (Link)

After trying to solve the login issue with the token, I found out that there is a simpler solution. You only have to run the awscli ecr login command and push your images to Amazon’s ECR.

This is my final working version:

First you have to create a user in AWS IAM. For this user I have allowed the following actions:


For this user you can create the access key and the secret key which you will need in the next step.

Next you have to define following environment variables in the Bitbucket Pipeline settings:

  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY [check “Secured” here]

Environment variables have the highest priority for the aws-cli and, as Charton Sapinoso mentioned below, aws-cli will pick them up, when these are defined. For more details please read the documentation: AWS Documentation

Finally you can use the following snippet in your pipeline to push the image:

To speed up the pipeline process, I created a docker image (tstrohmeier/awscli) where the awscli is already installed.

PS: If you have an idea how to improve this setup, I would be happy If you leave a comment ;)

Update: I also wrote a “How To” on how to automatically deploy a service to a ECS cluster:



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